Girls living the dream – HEATHER BROWN 夢を生きている女の子


People who are living the dream… don’t just envy them and say “yeah, would be nice to live like that, but…” Think of it…that could actually be you in the near future if you keep dreaming big and believe in the process!

I’m really admiring people that have been manifesting their wish and dream but also interested to find out how they got to where they are now. In this ‘Guest’ section of our website, we are introducing some very inspiring people’s stories to help re-ignite your deactivated dreams. I feel that usually girls’ dreams tend to fade and disappear more often than boys’ dreams? A possible scenario could be, falling in love with someone who is chasing a big dream and you want to support that man in your life? Or you became a mum and are simply too busy. In some cultures with certain social confinements and regulations girls aren’t even “allowed” to dream or lead a path of their own desire…  That’s one of the main reasons we wanted to focus more on girls with this ‘Guest’ blog section. And what better way to kick this off than with mega inspiring, sweet and down to earth world renowned Hawaiian Surf Artist – HEATHER BROWN…yew!

Let’s get a big spark and flow back into your faded dreams and make it into your real life story ☆


私はいつもそんな人々を見ていると、どうやって成功したんだろう? どんな苦労や、ストーリーが影に隠れているんだろうと興味津々になってしまう。
だからこそ、このゲストブログ『Girls  living the dream』では、女の子たちにフォーカスを当てることで、背中を後押してくれるような役割ができればいいなと願っています。

Photo courtesy of Heather Brown

Artist From The Aloha Island  >>>  HEATHER BROWN

If you are a surfer, into ocean art or Hawaiian art, how could you not know who Heather Brown is? Over many years she has made a serious name for herself, working with some big surf brands, ASP contests and top musicians. Her art has been shown in galleries and solo shows all over the world, especially popular in Hawaii of cause and also in Japan. Heather now even has her own art galleries in two major Japanese cities, Tokyo & Osaka.

Her art works are inspired by OCEAN, SURF and her stunning home “HAWAII”. Her paintings pop and are filled with tropical colours, very alive and active, you can almost feel the salty air on your skin, smell sweet fragrance of frangipani and hear the gentle shore brake in the background…

アロハアイランドのアーティスト?  >>> ヘザーブラウン



Heather grew up in a family of artists and artisans in Southern California. She moved to Hawaii in the late 90’s where she later worked as a boat captain and dive master etc…  However, none of those jobs gave her any real satisfaction, which luckily lead her to focus on what she always loved to do – ART. Heather then studied Bachelor of Fine Arts at The University of Hawaii. While she was following her passion and dream she was still working as dive master, but spent every weekend and evenings painting until she finally had a big breakthrough to become a full-time artist.

南カリフォルニアのアーティスト一家の元で育ったヘザーは、90年代にハワイへと拠点を移しボートキャプテン、ダイビングインストラクターなどの仕事をし生計を立てていた。どの仕事も本当の満足感を与えてはくれず、いつしか自分がいつも好きだったことにフォカースを当て直してみようと考えた、それが ”アート” だったのである。

早速ファインアートをハワイ大学で専攻し、夢へと歩き始めたヘザー、軌道に乗るまでの道のりはもちろん楽ではなかった。平日はダイビングインストラクターの仕事を続けながら、週末と夜の空いた時間を全て、作品作りへと注ぎ込んでいた。そして大きな変化の時がやってきて、フルタイムで絵を描き続けることができるほどの需要が出てきたのだった。HeatherBrownandCaptainSurfsArt_3littlespirals_1Photo by Bethany Ryles at Byron Bay Surf Festival 2014

I met Heather for the first time at the Byron Bay Surf Festival, where I had a chance to chat with her and her partner & fellow artist Chris (The Captain Surfs) during the pre-opening art show. I guess most of the people have been feeling the same as I felt. My first impression of Heather when you meet and talk in person, felt so relaxed and warm hearted. She is incredibly sweet, generous and feels so real and down to earth. I was also very impressed to see her spending plenty of time talking to everyone around her, especially at the busy festival art show tent, where she was standing beside her art, smiling and chatting to everyone! It was a pleasure to see her simply enjoying herself, like all other festival goers 🙂 . I believe her sweetness and spirit are well delivered through her art, which attracts people naturally. Talking of grounded spirit and generosity, Heather even donates 15% of some of her art work profits regularly to environmental, oceanic or humanitarian charities in need…Amazing!

私がヘザーに初めて出会ったのは、私のパートナーがオーガナイズするバイロンベイ サーフフェスティバルというイベントのVIPパーティーの場だった。

もう一つ大きな衝撃を受けたヘザーの素晴らしさといえば、フェスティバル中のアートショーで、誰が見たってヘザーの作品と一目瞭然に際立っている自分の作品達の横に立ち、初めて彼女のアートを目にする方から、たくさんのファンの方々まで、一人一人と笑顔で話し、一緒にアートショーを楽しんでるヘザーの姿があった。まさにこれが彼女の魅力の本質であり、しっかりとアートを通して表現された ”心” は絵を手にする人々全員の元に確実に届いている。

絵の売り上げの15%を寄付するなどのキャンペーンを掲げている彼女は、トレンドや、スタイルに流されない本物のジェムストーンのようである。HeatherBrownArt_3littlespirals_2Photo by Carly Brown at Byron Bay Surf Festival 2014

It is a very very big honour to have her as our first guest of “Girls living the dream”. I can’t even imagine how busy she must be everyday, yet she took out time to gave us all the answers to the questions we asked. Simple still essential, hope you find a little magic in our Q&A session. ENJOY…

「夢を見ることを諦めなかった世界中の女の子達のストーリー」を紹介していくこのGirls living the DREAMの第1話にはぴったりの女性ヘザーブラウンを迎えることが私にとっては本当に嬉しく、こうして時間を費やし丁寧に質問に答えて頂いたことに心から感謝です。


A little about where you live, including your favourite place to create art, explore the environment, take time out, and nourish yourself.

I live on the North Shore of Oahu just down the beach from Pipeline with my husband and our doggies. I have been living in Hawai’i since the late 90’s and to me, there is no better place on Earth. We actually just got a new house/studio this past Spring and Chris has completely renovated it and created an unbelievable studio space for me and I even get a view of Off The Wall from my work table and easel. I am definitely an artist that loves to create art in my own studio the most, it is when I am most comfortable, the least distracted and feeling the most inspired. We take breaks throughout the day to go roll around in the skatepark across the street from our house, to walk the beach, grab a quick surf or spend a few hours free diving out front on the many reefs.


今年の春に新しい家を買い、クリスが大きな改装をして素晴らしいスタジオを作ってくれたの、何と言ってもオフザウォールが窓から見えるのよ! 私は確実に自分のスタジオでアートを製作していくタイプのアーティストね、一番リラックスしている時が一番インスパイヤーされる時。


How do you feel about people thinking you are ‘living the dream’?

That’s a good one, my husband Chris (The Captain Surfs) and I were just having this conversation the other day. We are living the dream, just depends on “who’s” dream it is. For many, they could not imagine working 10+ hours a day 6+ days a week and being stoked! Many could never imagine being away from their home, loved ones, pets, friends 6+ months a year every year. Sometimes “the dream” is tough, but most of the time it truly is what we have dreamt about and we absolutely love doing what we do and having the freedom and flexibility in our lives that come with the cost of more day to day work time and more business travel. To us, it is so worth it! I think a lot of people only see the glamorous side (the travel, the shows, the end results, etc) but fail to see the amount of work, time, actual traveling, etc that is put into it and when they do, they realize that we are not living THE dream but we are living OUR dream.


いい質問!私の旦那さんのクリス(The Captain Surfs)とつい最近このことについて丁度話していたの。私たちは夢を生きている、だけどそれは ”一体誰の夢なのか” ってところがポイント。毎日10時間以上、週に6日以上の仕事をこなし、年に6ヶ月以上もの時間を大切な人々、家、ペット達から離れた場所で過ごす、そんな生活の中でハッピーでいれることをイメージできる人は数少ないはず。


沢山の人々は輝かしいサイド、例えば世界中を旅行して周り、アートショーやその結果などしか目にしていないけれども、作品についやす時間、移動に費やす時間など実際の労力が見落とされがちであることは間違いないわ。だから私たちは夢のような生活をしているのではなく、自分たちが夢見たことを叶え生きていると言えるわね。HeatherBrownArt_3littlespirals_5Photo courtesy of Heather Brown

What was your biggest dream when you were little and what is it now?

My biggest dream when I was a little girl was to work with animals. I love animals so much and have always loved spending a lot of time with them both domestic and in nature. My dream now is the life that I am living with my husband, our dogs and my art in Hawai’i!




What are your 3 little spirals – things that keep you excited, balanced and bring you down to earth?

My 3 little spirals are interesting. In one point, the love of my life, my husband is all 3 to me! Excitement in my life comes and goes through fazes, but I seem to always be excited seeing new beautiful landscapes and places. My Ohana keeps me balanced and keeps everything in perspective for me no matter where I may roam. And my desire to create art that makes people happy always brings me down to Earth.

あなたにとっての3 リトル スパイラルズ → ワクワクさせてくれること、バランスととってくれること、地に足をつけてくれることとは何?

私の3 リトル スパイラルズはちょっと面白いわよ。ある意味、この生活、ここにいる旦那さんが全てを兼ね備えてるわ!





Turning points in your life and how they have shaped you?

There have been many, most very personal. I guess the broad stroke answer to that is that when looking back I can see how negative events, happenings, etc have all opened the doors even wider for the positive things in my life to easily come about. The biggest turning point in my life was about 13 years ago or so when I met this great guy in the water surfing at Pops in Waikiki. From then on he became my friend, business partner, boyfriend and husband and fellow artist. All from sharing a nice smile and “how’s it” on a beautiful Hawaiian afternoon in Waikiki. You never know who that person is/may be/may turn into that you pass by in life and I am so happy that I had my eyes one and my heart pure when it happened.



ワイキキの心地よいハワイアン アフタヌーンを笑顔でシェアしたあの時から、全てが変わったの。



Living where you love.
Sustaining a living with what you love.
Empowering each other with who you love.
Heather is living her dream love life!

>>> Now it’s time to create YOUR dream life <<<


>>> 夢の生活を創り出し生きる、今度はあなたの番 <<<

Main photo by Bethany Ryles at Byron Bay Surf Festival 2014

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